
How to Fix Windows Movie Maker errors

If you have Windows Movie Maker on your computer, you may not know all that it is capable of and all of the fun that you can have with it to put pictures and slides into motion and be your own amateur movie maker right at home. Windows Movie Maker allows computer users to be able to not only create movies but also edit movies right at their own home. Windows Movie Maker program works with any and all installations of Windows XP operating system and Windows Vista operating system. Windows Movie Maker provides the basic functions of being able to edit movies and most of the people who have tried and used Windows Movie Maker find it to be very easy to learn and to work with.

Of course as with any computer program, there are errors that can occur with Windows Movie Maker that you may have experienced. Some of the basic and most common errors that can occur with Windows Movie Maker include corrupted program files, missing DLL files when you are trying to open and run a files, broken entries in the Windows Registry on your computer and other software installations of programs or files that you are trying to run that are incompletely installed on your computer. There are also times when computer viruses can make their way into your computer and cause problems and create Windows Movie Maker errors as well.

One of the easiest ways that you can fix Windows Movie Maker errors is by keeping your Windows Registry clean and free of corrupt files and performing the maintenance on your computer that is necessary to allow it to run without errors and to optimize the performance abilities of your computer and the programs on it that you want to use. There are also patches and fixes that you can download online to your computer that are created by the manufacturers of software programs and help fix any common errors that you can experience on your computer.

When you download patches and newer versions of software for your computer, you do need to make sure that you only go to trusted sites and make sure that the files that you are downloading on your computer are free of viruses and are not corrupt. It is a lot easier to prevent a virus from getting on your computer than to try to repair the programs, files and applications on your computer after the damage is done.

Windows Movie Maker is a fun and exciting program that can help add some enjoyment and entertainment to different photos, slides and media files that you have on your computer. You can do a lot of fun things with the different editing features on Windows Movie Maker, and keeping up on the maintenance and Registry clean up on your computer on a scheduled and regular basis can help ensure that movie maker will continue to work great on your computer.

