How to Uninstall FinalBurner PRO?
How to Uninstall FinalBurner PRO?
When uninstalling FinalBurner PRO, most people may think they know how to do it. Using the operating systems built in uninstall FinalBurner PRO may seem obvious, but this is not the only way to do it. When installing software, files are stored at various places throughout your computer, not just the program file and these all need to be securely deleted too in order to rid your computer of junk files which could potentially become corrupted. By learning properly how to uninstall you can be sure that you will keep your computer free from corruption and degrading speeds.
FinalBurner PRO Description
From Protectedsoft: FinalBurner will allow you to burn Blu-Ray or HD-DVD media with revolutionary High Definition media support. Author your own DVD-Video or re-master an existing one, or save yourself a blank DVD-R and design a Video CD if your source video is coming from a compact digital camera and is not on par with DVD resolution. Use your MP3 collection to create your own audio CD that you can listen to in a car. Protect your favorite songs and movies from scratches by creating backup copies of your DVD movies and audio CDs. Finally, design and print your own disc covers and insert them into a DVD box or CD jewel case for a great.With FinalBurner, you can easily create a DVD-Video disc by simply importing movies from existing video files in virtually any format, including the popular AVI, DivX, MPEG, WMV, ASF, and MOV. If you have a webcam, TV tuner, compact photo or DV camera, FinalBurner can easily capture the video stream and master a professional-looking DVD.
Common method to uninstall this program. (Download Uninstall Tool)
How to remove the software easily without any registry entries and files left over? Instructions are given below.
Uninstall the main program
1. Right-click the software icon in the system tray and select Exit.
2. Click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.
3. In the Program section, select Uninstall a Program.
4. Select FinalBurner PRO and click the Uninstall/Change button.
5. If Windows UAC is enabled, click Yes. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
6. Click Uninstall to confirm that you want to completely remove it.
7. Click Close.
Open C drive and remove the remaining the program installation folders
C:\Program Files\ FinalBurner PRO \
C:\ Documents and Settings\ All Users\ Application Data\ FinalBurner PRO \
Delete the FinalBurner PRO registry key
1. In order to do so, follow the steps below:
2. Go to Start/Run and type REGEDIT.
3. Browse through the tree structure until you find
4. Once you have found the program folder, right-click and select “Delete”.
To uninstall and remove FinalBurner PRO for good, we recommend HelpUninstaller for general users. HelpUninstaller is one of the best uninstaller program tools able to scan through your computer and get rid of any traces of software that you don’t want on there. From our tests, we’ve found this tool to be the most reliable & effective – removing all the unused programs that you may have on your computer in the most effective way.
Why It Pays to Use an Uninstall Tool like Help Uninstaller
As mentioned earlier, one of the most common problems that computer user’s encounter when trying to uninstall Avira or any other hard-to-remove programs from their computer is receiving error messages. Or, there are times when ‘stubborn’ registry files stay on the system and when you reinstall another program with these erroneous or corrupt files still present, the computer may not work as smoothly.
This is the exact issue addressed by the uninstall tool such as the Help Uninstaller. To give you an idea about why it pays to go for this brand of software when trying to remove a program or uninstall FinalBurner PRO from your system, take a look at the set of features that it offers:
Complete and easy removal of antivirus software and other programs which cannot be removed using the (Add/Remove) Programs functionality in Windows.
Complete emptying of corrupted registry files and entries.
Forcibly uninstall any corrupted program.
Registry restoration.
Easy-to-use interface and much faster program removal than the (Add/Remove) applet.
What Uninstall Software can do for you ?
1)Uninstall software faster than the Add/Remove Programs that comes with Windows
2)Uninstall any unwanted programs from your computer easily.
3)Forcibly display and uninstall hidden software which may run on PC without your permission.
4)Forcibly uninstall all stubborn applications that cannot be uninstalled from Windows Add/ Remove Programs.
5)Release your PC hard drive space immediately.
6)Protect your registry from empty / corrupted errors and improve your PC performance.
7)Backup registry so as to restore system easily when Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/VISTSA32/VISTA64/WINDDOWS 7 crashes.
8)Fast navigate to the folder where you install the software to uninstall.
9)Easy of use and friendly user interface.
10)Provide different ways of program view style: by Icons, by List, by Details.
11)Show details of currently installed software.
12)Uninstall software that could not be uninstalled completely from Windows Add/Remove Program.
13)Display detailed information of a certain application installed on your computer.
14)Leave no trace on your PC after removing.
15)Back up PC system files whenever you boot PC to restore system easily once PC crashes.
16)Completely clean the empty / corrupted registry entries that a certain software left over.
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