
How to Uninstall Abs.coupvictory.com?

I don’t know what is going wrong with my homepage on internet explorer. It was msn.com but it has become Abs.coupvictory.com. It somehow blocks me out of my Facebook and other web sites. And I am also annoyed by some ads popping ups ever since. How do I get rid of it from my browser?

Information of Abs.coupvictory.com

Abs.coupvictory.com is a web site which can be hacked and taken advantages by PC hackers who will create a browser hijacker with the same name. Browser hijacker is one of the major problems that annoy PC users all around the world. You may have been protected well by your antivirus programs all the time. But antivirus could fail when it comes to this fake website. Why is that? As we all know that hackers, a bunch of people who are advanced in computers, aim at hacking into owners’ computers and collecting properties later on. With the assistance of PC viruses like this browser hijacker, hackers will be able to do that! So be careful when your browser or system gets vulnerable.

We all know what a browser hijacker is and it will bring damages to an infected computer.  A browser hijacker, like Abs.coupvictory.com, is a computer virus that mainly targets computer browsers. When the infection is done, your online searching will be disturbed often by this virus as in 1) web sites you want to log in will not be accessed; 2) many pop ups will constantly annoy you; and 3) all the searching results are not real. It is believed that all the given results by this redirect are actually sponsored by remote hackers. There are more viruses including Trojans and malware hidden inside them. If you do not pay enough attention, the vulnerable computer can be suffered from more infections. System stability and data storage will be threatened as well.

Typical Symptoms of Browser Hijacker Infection

Unexpected popping ups appear when you are searching online;
New and strange bookmarks occur in your bookmark list;
Some unfamiliar programs show up in program list from programs and features;
Unfamiliar programs are listed in start menu after you expand all programs;
The computer will not perform correctly when you try to open a new tab or visit a regular web site;
Random stuck will happen to some normal programs which usually work perfectly before.
Browser Hijacker Manual Removal Instructions

Since the advanced anti-virus software can’t take effectively to get rid of the browser hijacker, then manual removal will be highly required. Generally speaking, manual removal is a complicated and difficult process which requires enough computer skills. To make it easier, basic manual removal steps have been given in the following to help one get rid of the browser hijacker. ( Be cautious when dealing with different system files and entries of the redirect.)

Step 1: Open Windows Task Manager to end process related to the Abs.coupvictory.com pop-up. We will need to put end to the running of the redirect first. To do that, press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys at the same time to pull up Window Task Manager; go to Processes tab on top and scroll down the list to find odd processes. Names of the processes can be different each time:

windows task manager
Step 2: Open Program List, Find doubtful programs or tool-bars which may come from the browser hijacker. Right click on it and select uninstall.

programs and features

Step 3: Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options. Go to Folder Options window, under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK:

folder options
After that we need to check in program files to see if the Abs.coupvictory.com pop-up ads leaves any files on the machine.
Step 4: Press Windows+R keys together to pull up Run box and type in regedit to open Registry Editor. Delete registry values associating with this redirect. The registry files are listed randomly. Besides, you need to delete the infection files of the redirect virus from your system files to prevent it from coming back. Those files are named randomly also but may be different on different operating systems.

Go to Registry Editor to delete the path of the related items with the Abs.coupvictory.com pop-up ads to stop it from coming back.

Step 5: Reset the Browser once to get rid of any left setting set by the redirect. Change home page(s) on browsers back from the browser hijacker and other unknown random URLs: Here take Internet Explorer as example.

To reset the browser, you need to click on the gear icon at right top corner of the browser page. Then you will get Internet Options window and move to Advanced tab.

Internet Options

And to set the homepage back from Abs.coupvictory.com pop-up ads please open general tab under Internet Options.

Words at the End:

No matter what antivirus you use to scan the infected computer they will not detect this browser hijacker as a threat. Nor can you uninstall it from control panel. Even when you try uninstalling the overall browser the virus will still occur on different browsers. Apparently, by running antivirus programs or reinstalling infected browsers cannot help you get rid of this annoying browser hijacker. The reason is that when Abs.coupvictory.com gets inside the system, it has changed the operating environment for its own good. Browser default settings or system structure may have already changed. That’s why this browser hijacker can show up again and again. In order to be infected by this redirect virus, you may have accidentally visited some hacked web sites or downloaded unfriendly programs into the system. Hence, to maintain a good and clean PC, your online behavior also plays an important role.

