How to Uninstall Shopping Helper Smartbar from PC
Shopping Helper Smartbar is claimed to help you save time and money while shopping online. However, if it is present on your PC, you’ll find out that this is not exactly what the program does. As soon as Shopping Helper Smartbar gets installed on your machine, the application replaces your default homepage and search engine with search.shapdo.com, and adds buttons for quick access to well-known websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, etc. In addition, you get the opportunity to to check the weather forecast and listen to online radio. Though, despite these positive features of the program, you’d better remove Shopping Helper Smartbar from your system because it’s been categorized as an advertising-supported application and it might threaten your virtual security.
In case you don’t remember downloading Shopping Helper Smartbar yourself, you probably have installed some other free program on your PC not long ago. In this case, you should also remember what installation option you have chosen and if you were attentive enough during the setup process of the new software. If you have not opt out the additional applications which the installation wizard has suggested, then Shopping Helper Smartbar has certainly been setup on your computer. Keep in mind that in case there are any potentially unwanted programs on your system, you probably were not cautious enough when installing new software and selected the quicker installation option that let the unwanted applications to infiltrate your machine. Remember that when you install new programs, you should always read the instructions provided by the setup wizard very carefully and deselect all the additional applications. In this way, you will avoid having any unwanted programs on your PC and it will be better protected against computer infections.
If you find out that Shopping Helper Smartbar is already present on your system, do not use the search engine provided by the ad-supported program, as there is no guarantee that the provided search results will be trusted. Besides, you will notice some sponsored links and commercial advertisements among the search results, which might transfer you to some corrupted websites and infect your PC with malware. Be aware that just a single click on a suspicious advertisement might seriously threaten your online security, thus the best thing you could do in this case is to delete Shopping Helper Smartbar from your computer as soon as possible.
Fortunately the Shopping Helper Smartbar removal is not a hard process. If you want to uninstall the program manually, you can follow the bellow-provided instructions in the exact order they are written. Still, after the manual removal, you have to run a full scan of your system to check for some leftovers which have not been erased. In this case, you need to install a legitimate antimalware tool that will locate and delete all the potentially unwanted programs and safeguard the system against any computer infections in the future.
Uninstall Shopping Helper Smartbar from PC
Windows XP
1. Click the Start button.
2. Select Control Panel.
3. Click Add or Remove Programs.
4. Select the unwanted application.
5. Click the Remove button.
Windows 7 and Vista
1. Open the Start menu.
2. Select Control Panel.
3. Click Uninstall a program.
4. Right-click on Shopping Helper Smartbar.
5. Click the Uninstall button.
Windows 8
1. Tap the Windows key.
2. Start typing Control Panel.
3. Open it.
4. Click Uninstall a program.
5. Select the suspicious application.
6. Click the Uninstall button.
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